Remember Ken Getz from the User Group in March? He is back
in town!
The ODDC Conference - Pre and Post Conference Tutorials
addition to all the other sessions you can attend at the upcoming
Office Deployment and Development Conference (ODDC) in Sydney, 28 May
through 29 May, don't forget that you can attend pre- and post-conference
tutorials, as well. On Sunday, 27 May, Ken Getz will be presenting
two half-day seminars, 'Getting Started with XML' and 'Making the
Most of XML', where you can learn how and why you could make use
of XML in your applications. On the same day, Brian Randell
will be digging into the workflow, digital dashboard, and other
new features in MOD 2002, in his sessions: 'A Developer's Jumpstart:
Office XP and Microsoft Office XP Developer', and 'Advanced Microsoft
Office Developer'.
30 May, after the conference, take the opportunity to get started
with .NET! Ken and Brian will be presenting together (if you've
heard these guys, you know that this promises to be an enlightening
and entertaining day) 'Getting Started with .NET' and 'Expanding
your .NET Horizons', working their way through as many .NET features
as is humanly possible in a single day. On the same day, Don Kiely will be providing two
half-day sessions on SQL Server
2000: 'Introduction to SQL Server 2000' and 'Office VBA Programming
with SQL Server.'
is a great opportunity to learn about XML, SQL Server 2000, MOD
XP, and .NET, so sign up now. Drop by for more information on these tutorials. If you have questions
about the content of their sessions, contact Ken or Brian at [email protected]
and [email protected].
Tech Breakfast - SharePoint Portal Server
the most of your day by starting off with an SSW Tech Breakfast.
The SSW Tech Breakfast is a great way to get to know what is good
and bad about the latest technologies. You take away real knowledge
of what you can do to benefit your business. The next breakfast
is on Tuesday May 15 on SharePoint Portal Server. Register
SSW Eats It's Own Dog Food Yet Again!
SSW has installed SharePoint Portal Server as a replacement
for it's intranet and has built solutions using this technology
for a number of it's clients. Portal Server definitely needs a well
spec'd machine; Microsoft recommend a dual processor! but the reports
from the guys in the office are that it's very usable on a single
proc with 512MB of RAM. It is a great way of finding information,
and there were whoops of delight every time we created new web parts
for it!
50 Days to Register!
Do you have illegal software on your network? Can you be certain
you have a license? If you are running illegal software you run
the risk of heavy fines. However, there is a solution! The BSAA
(Business Software Association of Australia) is currently in the
middle of a 60 day truce, recognised by Microsoft, Adobe, Macromedia
and other software providers, which will allow you to register your
illegal software with no threat of litigation.
the old days you might have got away with being slack. This days
it is a different sorry. SSW can provide a software audit and related
services, if you want assistance contact 696e666f72407373772e636f6d2e6175
at SSW.